Monday, November 8, 2010

debut blog...

Not being one for ever having read a blog in my life, right now I am wondering why I have just opened a blogging account? I suppose it's a fun way of writing "a diary" of sorts and letting others. (if they want to) read now and then... and if folk don't enjoy it, they can navigate away and I will still have enjoyed spilling words -

WARNING!: I am not always near a pc or the internet so there is a good chance there may be extended intervals between blogging!

... and if nothing comes of this I will look at the positive side, it will be great typing practice!

As a keen paraglider pilot living in South Africa, perhaps this may also pose as a "Paragliders Column" more than anything else, (apologies ground dwellers) where I can describe new flying sites, adventures, lessons learnt and hopefully some humour to keep the readers reading!

Blog one done!

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